Spring AFL 9’s Registrations Now Open

AFL Canberra are pleased to announce that registrations for the 2017 Spring season of AFL 9s are now open!
If you are interested in entering a team please go to the following link to register your team: http://afl9s.com.au/venues/act/
We are looking at offering the following competitions:
- Phillip Oval – Ainsworth Street, Phillip
- Tuesdays – Men’s and Mixed
- Thursdays – Women’s and Mixed
- Dickson Oval – Antill Street, Dickson
- Mondays – Men’s and Mixed
- O’Connor Oval – Pedder Street, O’Connor
- Wednesdays – Men’s and Mixed
Team Nominations are due Wednesday, 27 September 2017 with an Early Bird Rate of $850 per team (10 week season).
If you are keen to play but, do not have your own team please email Thomas.Walker@afl.com.au
We are still finalising information in relation to a Junior AFL 9s competition and will distribute details in due course.