Green Light Given for Clubs to Return to Small Group Training

We are pleased to announce that Community Football Clubs have been given the green light to return to training in groups up-to 10 persons.
Following the revised NSW Public Health Order which came into effect Friday 15 May, AFL NSW/ACT endorse a return to club sanctioned small group training at community football level in NSW from Thursday May 21, provided Clubs and participants follow the relevant Government guidelines and AFL NSW/ACT’s Return to Small Group Training Protocols are implemented.
Similarly, the ACT Government have approved Australian Rules Football training in groups up-to 10 from May 15, under the provision that ACT Government Guidelines and AFL NSW/ACT’s Return to Small Group Training Protocols are implemented.
The safety and wellbeing of our participants is our number one priority. Returning to small group training in a safe, hygienic and well managed manner is paramount for the AFL.
The AFL Return to Play Framework (Framework) has been informed by the National Principles for the Resumption of Sport and Recreation Activities and the AIS Framework for Rebooting Sport in a Post COVID-19 Environment. The Framework has been developed in consultation with health professionals and leaders in the football industry.
Local councils are an extremely important stakeholder and must be consulted as part of your return to training preparations and the Office of Local Government FAQ has answers for our clubs regarding local NSW sporting grounds. Participants from the ACT can also reference the ACT Sport & Recreations FAQ document for any ACT Government related questions.
We have prepared a dedicated Return to Play page on the AFL NSW/ACT website which will house all the relevant and most up-to-date documentation in relation to retuning to small group training for both NSW and ACT to ensure all Clubs return to training in a safe and educated manner.
Key information on this page includes:
- Return to Small Group Protocols
- Return to Small Group Training FAQs
- Return to Small Group Training Checklist
- Education Modules
- Resources and Templates to assist Clubs
This page will be updated with information and resources as restrictions ease.