GIANTS Fight Until The End: Where to Watch

Stuck on where to watch the AFL grand final on Saturday? Reckon it’s time to branch out from sitting on the couch all day? We’ve got you covered. Here are the best places to cheer the GIANTS in Canberra!
You’ll want to get amongst the Giants faithful on grand final day. Head down to the Home of GIANTS, Public Bar to catch the big dance on the big screen (with sound). For the first time ever, Public will be holding a Happy Hour during the game with plenty of bar snacks to keep you satisfied.
Eastlake Football Club have been there since the beginning of the GIANTS and will be celebrating with $5 member schooners of Iron Jack and plenty of give-aways. Tigers fan? The local Richmond supporter group will be ready and raring as they gather on Saturday.
There aren’t many better combinations than what the Duxton is offering – pizza + mates + beer and of course, footy! Die-hard AFL fans are encouraged to look no further than their footy supporters package. Join us from 1:30pm…kick-off at 2:30pm…and enjoy ALL YOU CAN EAT pizza washed down with a 4-hour beer package thanks to Carlton Draught. Don the orange and join the team at the Duxton!
Ainslie Football and Social Club
Ainslie is set for a full weekend of footy festivities – with $5 beers, delicious bar snacks and all of the 2019 #AFLGF action live & loud on their new big screen locked in.
Come and watch the biggest game of the year at the ‘Southo’ with a seated lunch, drink tickets and more from $49 (members) per person. Tickets can be purchased from Reception at Woden or Tuggeranong.
Queanbeyan Tigers Football Club
Tigers are having jersey party starting at 12.00pm with $11 Lunch Menu plus Happy Hours 2pm – 4pm, $4.20 Schooners and finger food at half time of the Grand Final, various games to be played leading into the Grand Final such as Norm Smith Calcutta / First Goal Scorer / Margin Sweeps and much more!
The Brindy is welcoming Finals Football with $12 Pizzas and $12 jugs.
Keep up-to-date with all #AFLCanberra related news by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.