Featured News

Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) Courses

There is a number of compulsory compliance items that clubs must complete prior to the commencement of the 2020 season. Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) Accreditation All matches from Under 13’s to Seniors, require a minimum of one person to have

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Return to Play Protocols Education and Q&A Session

Getting your team and venue ready for Round 1 AFL NSW/ACT will be hosting a “Return to Play Protocols and Education Session” to discuss the protocols for your team and home venue prior to Round 1. Date: Wednesday, 15 July

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AFL Canberra Update – July 10

Dear AFL Canberra Community, On Thursday 9 July 2020,the ACT Government Chief Health Officer announced a postponement to Stage 3 of the Easing of Restrictions Roadmap until following a checkpoint conducted to be held on Thursday 16 July, 2020. Until

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Return to Competition Education Sessions

Ground Manager

Ahead of the commencement of the 2020 Community Football Season, AFL NSWACT will be hosting a number of free online education sessions. Ground Manager Education Session Ground Manager webinar is primarily for prospective new Ground Managers but could also be

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Return to Contact Training – Update

Returning to play in a safe, hygienic and controlled manner is paramount to the AFL. The safety and wellbeing of our participants is our number one priority. Following the recently revised ACT Government restrictions easing to stage 2.2 (outlined below),

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ACT Return to Play Update – June 12

Dear AFL Community Clubs and local stakeholders, AFL NSW/ACT welcomes the ACT Chief Ministers announcement today that from 10 July 2020 contact community sport competitions can restart for participants in the ACT. To ensure players are well-prepared for competition, AFL

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National Reconciliation Week 2020

In 2020 Reconciliation Australia marks twenty years of  shaping Australia’s journey towards a more just, equitable and reconciled nation. Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this

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Thank you to our Volunteers that make Footy!

National Volunteer Week is the annual celebration to acknowledge the generous contribution of our nation’s volunteers, including those who perform all key roles in footy clubs. The year 2020 started with volunteer fire fighters risking their lives to protect others.

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Green Light Given for Clubs to Return to Small Group Training

  We are pleased to announce that Community Football Clubs have been given the green light to return to training in groups up-to 10 persons. Following the revised NSW Public Health Order which came into effect Friday 15 May, AFL

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Future AFL Leaders in the Making

Over the school holiday period, 180 youth aged players from across New South Wales and the ACT completed the AFL Future Leaders Community Program, organised by AFL NSWACT. The program was broken into two groups, aspiring leaders (13-15 years old)

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