Canberra laces down so Arnhem Land can lace up

AFL Canberra will be coordinating a footy gear drive from the 24th of October to the 12th of November to support the growing football programs in Maningrida, Northern Territory. Maningrida is located approximately 500km east of Darwin in Arnhem Land at the mouth of the Liverpool River. It is very remote and closed off during the wet season and only accessible by air and barge.
The Maningrida community is very passionate about AFL football, having around 8 -10 teams each season in the local competition as well as playing games in various festivals and carnivals around Arnhem Land.
The school aged children spend countless hours kicking the footy at every opportunity including recess and lunch. One of the challenges, however, is that most kids and a large proportion of the seniors do not have footy boots to play in, and enough footballs to train with.
The focus for the Maningrida Community is to have a vibrant, positive football environment for men, women and children. Access to equipment greatly enhances the ability to provide such a service. The AFLNT team are in the process of of establishing a formal junior school competition and a women’s competition as well as supporting the men’s It is expected that there will be 200-300 participants once all three competitions are up and running.
Ideally we are seeking boots of all sizes, footballs and complete sets of jumpers (full sets). Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
You can drop any donations off during from 9am to 5pm,Monday to Friday at our AFL Canberra Office: 8 Spoering Street Phillip, ACT.
The permanent settlement was established in the late 1940s, originally as a trading post with Aboriginals in the area. It was converted into a mission during the 1950s.
According to the Northern Territory Place Names Committee, the name Maningrida is an Anglicised version of the Kunibídji name Manayingkarírra, from the phrase “Mane djang karirra”, meaning “the place where the Dreaming changed shape.” More than 10 different languages are spoken within the Community.