AFL Canberra Celebrates Women’s Coaching Month

The AFL and AFL Canberra are proud to celebrate the second annual Women’s Coaching Month, as the whole month of July is dedicated to the past, present and future women in coaching.
Currently undefeated in season 2022 and sitting atop of the AFL Canberra First Grade Women’s competition, Ainslie Senior Women’s coach Britt Tully spoke about the importance of women in coaching positions and how it can help grow women’s footy at the grassroots level.
“Having women in coaching is a must. As the game grows it needs women as leaders in the same sense. Having women coaching women allows for different perspectives and understanding on the game.
“I think having all different kinds of people coaching at a grassroot level including women, allows for upcoming athletes to have someone they may resonate with. It also provides a way that potential players, to give back to the community and bring their perspective to it.
“It allows for athletes who may feel that the playing of the game is not suited to them, to see people coaching and use them as an idol and something to aspire to.”
Tully went on to explain why she introduced herself to coaching and what the most rewarding aspect of her coaching role is, whilst also encouraging women interested in coaching to “give it a go.”
“I love the technical and analytical side of football, this probably brought me into it. I have always had the utmost respect for all my coaches and what different things they brought me. I want to make sure I can help an athlete achieve what they want to, and if it’s not on the field as teammates, then it is as a coach or mentor.
“Seeing people grow as players and people… I love seeing how things work overtime and if I can be a part of that journey with them, it is so rewarding to me that I can help.
“It’s not always the easiest thing, but it will be rewarding at whatever level you coach at.”
To learn more or to register for the Women’s Coaching Month Webinar Series head to:
Written by: Robbie Stewart