ACT Return to Play Update – June 12

Dear AFL Community Clubs and local stakeholders,
AFL NSW/ACT welcomes the ACT Chief Ministers announcement today that from 10 July 2020 contact community sport competitions can restart for participants in the ACT.
To ensure players are well-prepared for competition, AFL NSW/ACT will commence a necessary contact-training and match preparation phase from 19 June (Stage 2.2) for ACT participants only and will work with AFL Canberra Clubs to begin a dynamic 2020 Community Football and NAB AFL Auskick Season, with the first bounce of official competition play for all ages planned for the weekend of 17 – 19 July 2020.
Today’s announcement enables AFL NSW/ACT to implement a staged and planned approach to returning to competition play for AFL Canberra aligned to cross-border announcements made by the NSW Government earlier this week.
We will continue to engage with Leagues, Clubs, participants, coaches, umpires and all volunteers to ensure we return to competition play in an effective and safe manner in adherence with both the NSW and ACT Public Heath Orders, Community Sport COVID-19 Safety Plan and AFL Return to Play Framework (RTP Framework).
It should be noted that, until advised otherwise, all sports are still subject to the current Public Health Orders and should be training under the AFL Return to Training Protocols.
AFL NSW/ACT will publish Return to Contact Training and Competition Play Protocols for NAB AFL Auskick, junior and senior community football in-line with Government Guidelines and the RTP Framework to inform and educate our network well in advance of official competition play.
AFL NSW/ACT are collaborating with other major sporting codes to agree on overarching season-length principles and dates to ensure a smooth handover with limited impacts to future seasons.
Today’s announcement provides much-needed certainty and confidence for community football competitions. However, we do acknowledge that additional guidance is needed as it relates to spectators and use of canteens. We plan on including guidance for canteen use and spectators in our Return to Competition Play Protocols.
AFL NSW/ACT encourages our network to visit for a comprehensive list of resources including templates, FAQ’s, education resources and regular updates.
On behalf of AFL NSW/ACT, we would like to thank all participants and volunteers in Canberra for your patience, support and understanding as we work towards a safe return for community football.
We could not have done this without the outstanding support of the entire AFL family and share your excitement for a return to footy across all ages in July.
Tiffany Robertson
Acting Chief Executive Officer – AFL NSW/ACT