There are 33 AFL facilities used for community football across the ACT inclusive of 48 ovals, with the majority of these owned and managed by the ACT Government. AFL Canberra clubs share our facilities vision Towards 2030 and want to provide an inclusive experience, host night matches to accommodate female growth and enable flexible fixturing across the competition. 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of Australian Rules Football in Canberra.
Under the Sports Facility Auditor (SFA) scoring, the ACT currently trail the nation with an average facility audit score of 53% of the AFL’s Preferred Community Facility Guidelines. Of the 33 AFL facilities, 21 are classed as local level facilities with the main compliance issues around lack of suitable lighting and change rooms.
In recognising the current state and issues of facilities within the ACT the AFL National Facilities Panel have allocated an initial $1M funding in the development of the ACT Community Football Facilities Fund (ACT CFFF).
This is exciting news for community AFL within the ACT and this program will assist local clubs and stakeholders to develop AFL related infrastructure at ACT located venues in order to meet the required needs and have the capacity to grow the game. This program has a particular focus on developing some of the key basic infrastructure required for community football growth, capacity and development such as change rooms and lighting.
Through this program $750k has been allocated to the following infrastructure projects:
Alan Ray Oval – Lighting upgrade
Kingston Oval – Surface and lighting upgrade
Kippax Oval – Lighting upgrade
Kambah Oval – Purchase of electronic scoreboard
These projects have been priority projects in the ACT in recent years, they have significant ACT and/or club funding contributions already and this additional funding will maximise the project outcomes for these facilities, clubs, the ACT and the code.
In addition to the above infrastructure projects we will develop an ACT Facilities – 2030 Planning document ($50K) and allocate of a further $200k for individual venue upgrade plans.
Importantly the ACT CFFF programs objectives align closely with many of the Key projects, Outcomes and Indicators of Success across the four strategic objectives of the ACT Government’s Next Move, Sport & Recreation Strategy 2023-2028.
The planning document and individual venue upgrade plans will provide the detail and direction on additional infrastructure projects which we would like to partner with the ACT Government and other partners in further investment in the short to medium term.
To access the SmartyGrants portal for this funding program please go to ACT Community Football Facilities Fund – AFL NSW/ACT (smartygrants.com.au)
For further information in relation to this funding program and to discuss potential applications please contact Michael Stanton – Venue and Government Partnerships Manager – ACT on 0458 503 538 or michael.stanton@afl.com.au.