Indigenous Sports Grants Program 2018

Applications for the Indigenous Sports Grants are open.
The ACT Government’s ISGP is a grants program for eligible individuals seeking support for their participation in sport and recreation activities.
To apply, please follow the steps below.
- Ensure you have registered with your chosen club.
- Fill out AFL NSW/ACT application form and supply Confirmation of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Descent Form (or that of the parent or guardian if applicant is 17 years or younger).AFL NSW/ACT will not pay without the supplying of the above Descent form.
- Ask your club to invoice the AFL NSW/ACT for the registration fee amount only. (AFL NSW/ACT will only pay the certified registration amount of each club and reserves the right to question this amount. No extras will be paid for from the grant).
- The maximum amount payable for any registration or membership; individual education or training grant or individual representative grant is $200.
- If you have already paid your club registration, then submit, with your Application Form, bank details for reimbursement. This will be checked with the club for confirmation of payment before any reimbursement is authorised.
All applications to AFL NSW/ACT should be sent to or call 02 6214 2308